Infinitely Positive — Starting a journey!

Infinitely Positive
4 min readFeb 27, 2022

I often hear that positivity is a quality that is very necessary both as an individual and as a community. I have a clear sense that people and communities, broadly positive in their approach are thriving well. For some, this trait comes with a conscious effort, for some with an unconscious effort, for some without any action and for some, the journey to positivity is long, even with a conscious and arduous struggle. But most things in this world work that way and there is little we can do about it.

Ignorance is bliss. I feel there is nothing more potent than ignorant positivity. As a child, the positivity I had when most of my primary and emotional needs were met by others was very powerful. I felt at the top of the world. I don’t use the word “ignorant” in a degrading way. It’s beautiful. We hardly know that this positivity is due to the absence of crisis or exposure. I will be delighted if this phase lasts a long time for anyone.

However, in most lives, this phase of ignorant positivity ends sooner or later due to aging, experience, exposure, loss, crisis and sometimes even without triggering. These are primarily the moments when we realize that life and most people are not just. We could stop relating to many around us and feel that we are going through something meaningful and doing it on our own. Integrating into this world of senseless chaos may seem the only option we have, but it will make no sense and we may hate to do so. The flow of positivity that we had before and came to us with little effort is nowhere now and we can even feel lost about beginning to be positive.

I’ve been through this phase in length and depth. When the effortless and ignorant positivity phase ended for me a few years before and faced some hard truths of life burst right on my face, the battle and storm within me were significant for some doses of positivity. Cultivating and practicing an informed, conditioned, lasting and pragmatic positivity after the end of your blind and effortless positivity is nothing but simple. I’m not there yet, but again, I’m in an exciting phase of my life. This could be the new beginning of my lasting and realistic positivity journey. I’m excited.

I’m in my early thirties and am in the midst of many exciting events in my life. I’ve been married for a few years now. We are going through a deep and significant phase now. We plan to start a family soon. I quit the job that I was sticking to for nine years recently to explore some of my ideas and interests that are fundamentally different from what I have studied and working on all these years. I’m slowly picking myself up from the ruin of my routine fuelled by the pandemic and my tendency to crash my way and habits, even with small triggers. The list of twists in my life and changes in my thoughts continues.

When we face so many changes, we also face a lot of uncertainty and I am convinced that the blind positivity that I can feel at first can only help me for some time. I now feel the need to cultivate a renewed, pragmatic and lasting positivity to help me cope with change and prosper.

There is no shortage of people and communities talking about positivity, online and offline. I’m so glad so many people are working on this mission to help each other be positive and better. When I thought of documenting my journey and thoughts around it, I was skeptical about adding any more value. But by reflecting more on it, I felt that it could be of some value to me and perhaps others.

First of all, it could help me restart writing, a thing I’ve always liked to do but never done enough. Secondly, it could help me gather my thoughts better and act responsibly. Thirdly, the stories, experiences, observations that I’m going to share throughout the journey could be of some value to people.

As I begin “Infinitely positive,” I do not intend to write about easy theories and shortcuts to be positive. I don’t have a 5-step guide. I don’t know about those six things that I have to start doing right away to become positive from this very moment. I have no idea about those seven things that the most positive and successful people always do.

I’m curious how a positive journey will begin and progress with an ocean of uncertainty. I want to know and learn the nuances of positivity. I want to identify and understand these little things that have an effect. I want to document them only through my own experiences and observations. All this is in the context of my own life and spreading with some visible thoughts and threads. I intend to write and publish my experiences, ideas and progress in this every fortnight.

I want to take a little step every day. I want to survive. I wish I could prosper. With all these thoughts and wishes, I begin this personal journey of “Infinitely Positive” with much hope!

